Name: Buyanbat Tsogzolmaa
Date of birth: 15th of June 1990
Place of birth: Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
Citizenship: Mongolian
My contact phone number.99203036
Gender: Female
Dear Human Resources Manager
I am writing to apply for the position of communication engineer. As you will note from my enclosed CV, I have experience with a wide range of programming languages through academic projects and part-time employment.
I graduate school of information and communication technology of Mongolian University of Science and Technology in 2012.
I have demonstrated excellent people skills in addition to strong writing and analytical skills. I believe my education, skills and experiences fit your requirements, and I am confident my skills would be an asset to your company (or to your client if you are applying to a recruiter)
I am available to meet with you at a time that's convenient to you. Please contact me to set up a time. I look forward to hear from you soon.
Urban network company’s manager
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
1 My long-range goal is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. So I must hardworking. Thus my second objective is perfect life. For example great family, nice work and wonderful home.
2 My short-range goal is do my task on time. Because I should raise my score. It is very important issue. May be my life will depend on it. So I must endeavor for now.
3 I hope I can make a contribution to your organization. Because I studied of telecommunication career for 4 years. And in this way I have many skills. So I believe necessary.
4 I like participation in activities which outside from class. This has been become more and more abilities for me. And I skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily.
5 I like fair everything. So I want to determine for justices. Head person must say openly to all success. I usually define my success for estimation of other people.
6 I think every people must put high goals. Because people live as yourself opinion. So my organization is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. And I try to reach it.
7 My work is a very interesting and when I was student I don’t know it. After I study this school I understand it
8 Firstly I don’t know about this career. My sister decide to enter this school me. So I become must study by this direction. After it become interesting.
9 In my work important issue is become a very hardworking. I can it.
10 My career is telecommunication engineer. Almost we fix the broken cable. But women’s often do operator. In my opinion I want be header engineer. So I need I can any thing.
11 it is most important issue. I demand to interactive with all user. Because I should know for request of subscribers.
12 Yes. I always try to view everything on practice. So I went to ATS many times. The engineer’s are very friendly and kind people. Whenever they ready for help us. I saw optic fiber, mufti, and equipment at here.
2 My short-range goal is do my task on time. Because I should raise my score. It is very important issue. May be my life will depend on it. So I must endeavor for now.
3 I hope I can make a contribution to your organization. Because I studied of telecommunication career for 4 years. And in this way I have many skills. So I believe necessary.
4 I like participation in activities which outside from class. This has been become more and more abilities for me. And I skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily.
5 I like fair everything. So I want to determine for justices. Head person must say openly to all success. I usually define my success for estimation of other people.
6 I think every people must put high goals. Because people live as yourself opinion. So my organization is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. And I try to reach it.
7 My work is a very interesting and when I was student I don’t know it. After I study this school I understand it
8 Firstly I don’t know about this career. My sister decide to enter this school me. So I become must study by this direction. After it become interesting.
9 In my work important issue is become a very hardworking. I can it.
10 My career is telecommunication engineer. Almost we fix the broken cable. But women’s often do operator. In my opinion I want be header engineer. So I need I can any thing.
11 it is most important issue. I demand to interactive with all user. Because I should know for request of subscribers.
12 Yes. I always try to view everything on practice. So I went to ATS many times. The engineer’s are very friendly and kind people. Whenever they ready for help us. I saw optic fiber, mufti, and equipment at here.
Monday, December 6, 2010
reading method
1 read the topic
2 think about this topic
3 read the first paragraph
4 If I don’t understand I need translate
5 And I find a new word from dictionary
6 so I will understand it
7 if it is interesting I read a full
8 if it boring I close the book
9 I try to find a knowledge
10think about learned thing from a this book
11 write a abstract
12 I must read it to remember when I forget this book
13 finally I put my book in my library
2 think about this topic
3 read the first paragraph
4 If I don’t understand I need translate
5 And I find a new word from dictionary
6 so I will understand it
7 if it is interesting I read a full
8 if it boring I close the book
9 I try to find a knowledge
10think about learned thing from a this book
11 write a abstract
12 I must read it to remember when I forget this book
13 finally I put my book in my library
Buyanbat Tsogzolmaa
I live with my mother father and sister.
Apt -11-4 10th khoroo, Bayanzurh district, Ulaan baatar Mongolia
I was thinking about become employer of your company since l went to Bichil in 2009 . So I want I work by telecommunication engineer at your company. I studied by this career at school of information and communication technology, MUST in 2008-2012.
I can work in the computer (Microsoft office) and badly speak English. I like participation in activities which outside from class. So I skilled in teamwork. I like play game with lot of people and draw a picture.
I live with my mother father and sister.
Apt -11-4 10th khoroo, Bayanzurh district, Ulaan baatar Mongolia
I was thinking about become employer of your company since l went to Bichil in 2009 . So I want I work by telecommunication engineer at your company. I studied by this career at school of information and communication technology, MUST in 2008-2012.
I can work in the computer (Microsoft office) and badly speak English. I like participation in activities which outside from class. So I skilled in teamwork. I like play game with lot of people and draw a picture.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Above- дээр дурьдсан, гаруй, илүү
Access- хандалт
Achieve- хүрэх олох гүйцэтгэх
addition – нэмэлт
Agency- төлөөлөгчийн газар, товчоо, хүчин зүйл
Agreement- гэрээ
Allow- зөвшөөрөх, дутуу харах, тооцох, боломж олгох
anchor – төмөр холбоос
asset – датуу тал, сайн чанар
attached – хавсаргасан
Attenuate-дарах унтраах сулруулах
avoid- хүчингүй болгох
backbone- гол
bandwidth – зурвасын өргөн
Bandwidth- зурвасын өргөн
bend – татах, холбох
Beyond- хэтэрсэн
bind-бэхлэлт холболт
boost-хүчдэл дэмжих
Brief- товч
buried cable – булсан кабель
Canvassing- захиалга авах, ухуулах, ятгах, задлан шинжлэх
capacitance- багтаамж
capacity – багтаамж
carrier – зөөгч
categories-зэрэг тогтоох
central office – төв байгууламж
Circuit- хэлхээ схем суваг
classified – ангилсан
Clients- байнгийн үйлчлүүлэгч
coils – ороомог, цахилгаан утас
commercial building – үйлдвэрлэлийн барилга
competitor – өрсөлдөгч
Compile- дамжуулах, нэвтрүүлэх, зохион байгуулах
complex – цогц
component – бүрэлдэхүүн
concept-санаа бодол
Conductor- дамжуулагч
Connectivity- холболт
Contact- холбох, холбогдох, харилцаа холбоо
contact- хүрэх шүргэх
Contain-агуулсан багтаасан
Contribution -тус нэмэр хандив
convert – хувиргах, хөрвүүлэх
copper – зэс
Creative- уран бүтээлийн, бүтээлч
cross connect- холболт
Currently- одоо, өнөөгөөр
Deadline- товлосон хугацаа, засварт өгөх
Determine- тодорхойлох тогтоох
Discuss- хэлэлцэх
discusses – хэлэлцэх, зөвшилцөх
Diverse- өөр, ялгаатай
diverts- зайлуулах холдуулах
drop wire – тороос, төмөр утас
dual-давхар 2 хос
ducts – суваг, хоолой
duplicated – давхардуулах
Edition- хэвлэл
electricity-цахилгаан эрчим хүч
enclosed cable – хаалттай кабель
entire – бүхнийг хамрах байдал
environment-тоног төхөөрөмж орчин
Equipment- төхөөрөмж
Evaluate- үнэлэх
except – түүнээс гадна
expansion – өргөжилт, нэмэгдэлт
exposed-ил гаргах илрүүлэх
extend- сунгах өргөтгөх
extension-өргөтгөл нэмэлт Extra curricular- ажил хичээл сургуулиас гадуур
Facts- мэдээлэл
Factual- үнэн, бодит, баримтаар нотолсон
feasible- хийж болмоор
feeder- түгээгч тараагч
Flatten-тогтворжуулах тэнцвэржүүлэх
Fundamental- бүтэц
Further- алслагдсан нэмэлт
galvanized metallic – цайрдсан металл
Goal- зорилго, бүдлого
hazard- аюул
Hierarchies- шатлал
improve – хөгжүүлэх, чанаржуулах
increase – нэмэгдүүлэх, өсгөх
Individual- хувь хүн, бодгаль, онцгой
Inductors-оруулах нэвтрүүлэх
Inherent-төрөлх шинж заяамал
injury-гэмтээх эвдэх
insulation – тусгаарлагч материал
Interacting- завсарлага, харилцан нөлөөлөх, харилцан үйлчлэх
interconnect – харилцан холбоо
Interexchange- харилцан мэдээ солилцох
intermediate-дундын завсрын
internal – дотоод
Interpret- тайлбарлах, ойлгох, ярилцах
intervals – хоорондын зай (интервал)
Interval-цар үргэлжлэх хугацаа
isolate-тусгаарлах салгах
Issue- асуудал
junction- салаалах цэг шилжилт
last mile – сүүлийн хэрэглэгчийн шугам
least – хамгийн бага, өчүүхэн
local loop – хэрэглэгчийн шугам
Local- суурин
Loop- мяндас
major – үндсэн
manholes – худаг
Manhole-кабелийн худаг
Measures- үзүүлэлтүүд
method – арга
Method- арга
metropolitan –нийслэлийн оршин суугч, том хот
migrated –
Mode- горим
mounted – шилжүүлэх
Mount-тогтоосон суурьлуулсан суулгасан
multiplex – нийлсэн, хосолсон
Multiplexing- нягтруулга
neighborhood – ойролцоо
Opportunity- сайхан боломж, аятайхан тохиолдол
otherwise – эсрэг тохиолдолд, өөрөөр хэлбэл
outsite plant- гадаах станц
Participation- оролцоо
pedestal- суурь бааз тулгуур
piped – хоолой хэлбэртэй, хоолойгоор дамжуулсан
Plant- станц
Plus- нэмэх
pole – багана
poles – шураг
Pole-тууль уртын нэгж
Polices- бодлого, чиг, журам
portion – хэсэг
potential- чадавхи
Powder-хуурай нунтаг
preferred – давуу эрх
premises-өмч эд
prevent-урьдчилан сэргийлэх
Principle- зарчим
productivity –
Promotional- дэмжилт, тэтгэх, ахих,
protector-тусгаарлагч хамгаалагч
provide – ханган нийлүүлэх
Qualification- мэргэшил, эрдэм чадал
quantity – тоо хэмжээ
reach – зурвас газар, зай
rearrangement – өөрчлөх, сэлгэх
referred – давуу эрхийн хувьцаа
Regulation- тохиргоо
remove – алхам
Remove- алслаглах зөөх
Rendered- болгох, өгөх
replace – солиулах
require – шаардах
Requirement- шаардлага
resistance- тогтворшил
ribbon – тууз
routed – замчилсан, чиглэсэн
serve – тэжээх,хангах, ажиллах
service – үйлчилгээ
sheath – бүрхүүл
source-үүсгүүр гараа
splices-залгах холбох
splicing – холбох, залгах
station- салбар цэг станц
strand – ороомог, төмөр утас
subscriber – хэрэглэгч
sufficient- хангалттай хүрэлцэхүйц
supporting structure – монтажийн зохион байгуулалт
switch – түлхүүр
Switched- холбогдсон
Tandem- байнгийн
terminal – төгсгөлийн төхөөрөмж
Toll- хамгийн том АТС
Tract- мөр, үлдэгдэл, шинж тэмдэг
Transmission- дамжуулах
Trucks- зангилаа, худаг
twisted-pair – хос мушгиа
Unsupervised- хянах, удирдах
valuable – үнэ өндөртэй
value – ашиг тус, ач холбогдол
Verse- туршлагатай, мэдлэгтэй, хашир
vulnerable – хэврэг
wire-дамжуулах утас
Access- хандалт
Achieve- хүрэх олох гүйцэтгэх
addition – нэмэлт
Agency- төлөөлөгчийн газар, товчоо, хүчин зүйл
Agreement- гэрээ
Allow- зөвшөөрөх, дутуу харах, тооцох, боломж олгох
anchor – төмөр холбоос
asset – датуу тал, сайн чанар
attached – хавсаргасан
Attenuate-дарах унтраах сулруулах
avoid- хүчингүй болгох
backbone- гол
bandwidth – зурвасын өргөн
Bandwidth- зурвасын өргөн
bend – татах, холбох
Beyond- хэтэрсэн
bind-бэхлэлт холболт
boost-хүчдэл дэмжих
Brief- товч
buried cable – булсан кабель
Canvassing- захиалга авах, ухуулах, ятгах, задлан шинжлэх
capacitance- багтаамж
capacity – багтаамж
carrier – зөөгч
categories-зэрэг тогтоох
central office – төв байгууламж
Circuit- хэлхээ схем суваг
classified – ангилсан
Clients- байнгийн үйлчлүүлэгч
coils – ороомог, цахилгаан утас
commercial building – үйлдвэрлэлийн барилга
competitor – өрсөлдөгч
Compile- дамжуулах, нэвтрүүлэх, зохион байгуулах
complex – цогц
component – бүрэлдэхүүн
concept-санаа бодол
Conductor- дамжуулагч
Connectivity- холболт
Contact- холбох, холбогдох, харилцаа холбоо
contact- хүрэх шүргэх
Contain-агуулсан багтаасан
Contribution -тус нэмэр хандив
convert – хувиргах, хөрвүүлэх
copper – зэс
Creative- уран бүтээлийн, бүтээлч
cross connect- холболт
Currently- одоо, өнөөгөөр
Deadline- товлосон хугацаа, засварт өгөх
Determine- тодорхойлох тогтоох
Discuss- хэлэлцэх
discusses – хэлэлцэх, зөвшилцөх
Diverse- өөр, ялгаатай
diverts- зайлуулах холдуулах
drop wire – тороос, төмөр утас
dual-давхар 2 хос
ducts – суваг, хоолой
duplicated – давхардуулах
Edition- хэвлэл
electricity-цахилгаан эрчим хүч
enclosed cable – хаалттай кабель
entire – бүхнийг хамрах байдал
environment-тоног төхөөрөмж орчин
Equipment- төхөөрөмж
Evaluate- үнэлэх
except – түүнээс гадна
expansion – өргөжилт, нэмэгдэлт
exposed-ил гаргах илрүүлэх
extend- сунгах өргөтгөх
extension-өргөтгөл нэмэлт Extra curricular- ажил хичээл сургуулиас гадуур
Facts- мэдээлэл
Factual- үнэн, бодит, баримтаар нотолсон
feasible- хийж болмоор
feeder- түгээгч тараагч
Flatten-тогтворжуулах тэнцвэржүүлэх
Fundamental- бүтэц
Further- алслагдсан нэмэлт
galvanized metallic – цайрдсан металл
Goal- зорилго, бүдлого
hazard- аюул
Hierarchies- шатлал
improve – хөгжүүлэх, чанаржуулах
increase – нэмэгдүүлэх, өсгөх
Individual- хувь хүн, бодгаль, онцгой
Inductors-оруулах нэвтрүүлэх
Inherent-төрөлх шинж заяамал
injury-гэмтээх эвдэх
insulation – тусгаарлагч материал
Interacting- завсарлага, харилцан нөлөөлөх, харилцан үйлчлэх
interconnect – харилцан холбоо
Interexchange- харилцан мэдээ солилцох
intermediate-дундын завсрын
internal – дотоод
Interpret- тайлбарлах, ойлгох, ярилцах
intervals – хоорондын зай (интервал)
Interval-цар үргэлжлэх хугацаа
isolate-тусгаарлах салгах
Issue- асуудал
junction- салаалах цэг шилжилт
last mile – сүүлийн хэрэглэгчийн шугам
least – хамгийн бага, өчүүхэн
local loop – хэрэглэгчийн шугам
Local- суурин
Loop- мяндас
major – үндсэн
manholes – худаг
Manhole-кабелийн худаг
Measures- үзүүлэлтүүд
method – арга
Method- арга
metropolitan –нийслэлийн оршин суугч, том хот
migrated –
Mode- горим
mounted – шилжүүлэх
Mount-тогтоосон суурьлуулсан суулгасан
multiplex – нийлсэн, хосолсон
Multiplexing- нягтруулга
neighborhood – ойролцоо
Opportunity- сайхан боломж, аятайхан тохиолдол
otherwise – эсрэг тохиолдолд, өөрөөр хэлбэл
outsite plant- гадаах станц
Participation- оролцоо
pedestal- суурь бааз тулгуур
piped – хоолой хэлбэртэй, хоолойгоор дамжуулсан
Plant- станц
Plus- нэмэх
pole – багана
poles – шураг
Pole-тууль уртын нэгж
Polices- бодлого, чиг, журам
portion – хэсэг
potential- чадавхи
Powder-хуурай нунтаг
preferred – давуу эрх
premises-өмч эд
prevent-урьдчилан сэргийлэх
Principle- зарчим
productivity –
Promotional- дэмжилт, тэтгэх, ахих,
protector-тусгаарлагч хамгаалагч
provide – ханган нийлүүлэх
Qualification- мэргэшил, эрдэм чадал
quantity – тоо хэмжээ
reach – зурвас газар, зай
rearrangement – өөрчлөх, сэлгэх
referred – давуу эрхийн хувьцаа
Regulation- тохиргоо
remove – алхам
Remove- алслаглах зөөх
Rendered- болгох, өгөх
replace – солиулах
require – шаардах
Requirement- шаардлага
resistance- тогтворшил
ribbon – тууз
routed – замчилсан, чиглэсэн
serve – тэжээх,хангах, ажиллах
service – үйлчилгээ
sheath – бүрхүүл
source-үүсгүүр гараа
splices-залгах холбох
splicing – холбох, залгах
station- салбар цэг станц
strand – ороомог, төмөр утас
subscriber – хэрэглэгч
sufficient- хангалттай хүрэлцэхүйц
supporting structure – монтажийн зохион байгуулалт
switch – түлхүүр
Switched- холбогдсон
Tandem- байнгийн
terminal – төгсгөлийн төхөөрөмж
Toll- хамгийн том АТС
Tract- мөр, үлдэгдэл, шинж тэмдэг
Transmission- дамжуулах
Trucks- зангилаа, худаг
twisted-pair – хос мушгиа
Unsupervised- хянах, удирдах
valuable – үнэ өндөртэй
value – ашиг тус, ач холбогдол
Verse- туршлагатай, мэдлэгтэй, хашир
vulnerable – хэврэг
wire-дамжуулах утас
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Outside plant is the collection of cables, poles, conduit, and fiber optics that
interconnect central offices and connect the central office to the subscribers’ premises.Cable is classified according to its supporting structure aerial cable supported on pole lines, underground cable enclosed in buried conduit and buried cable placed directly in the ground. Twisted-pair cables are classified by the wire gauge, sheath material, protective outer jacketing, and the number of pairs contained within the sheath. Cable sheath materials are predominantly high-durability plastics such as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. Cable sheaths are constructed to protect against damage from lightning, moisture, induction, corrosion, rocks, and rodents. Cable plant is divided into two categories in the local loop—feeder and distribution. Serving area interface terminal is junction point between the feeder and distribution cable. Protection is required for two purposes—to prevent injury or death to personnel and to prevent damage to equipment in case of lightning strike or cross with electrical power. Personnel and equipment can be protected from the hazards of unexpected contact with a foreign source of electrical potential by the following methods insulating telecommunications apparatus, shielding communications cables, grounding equipment, opening affected circuits and separating electrical and telecommunications circuits.
interconnect central offices and connect the central office to the subscribers’ premises.Cable is classified according to its supporting structure aerial cable supported on pole lines, underground cable enclosed in buried conduit and buried cable placed directly in the ground. Twisted-pair cables are classified by the wire gauge, sheath material, protective outer jacketing, and the number of pairs contained within the sheath. Cable sheath materials are predominantly high-durability plastics such as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. Cable sheaths are constructed to protect against damage from lightning, moisture, induction, corrosion, rocks, and rodents. Cable plant is divided into two categories in the local loop—feeder and distribution. Serving area interface terminal is junction point between the feeder and distribution cable. Protection is required for two purposes—to prevent injury or death to personnel and to prevent damage to equipment in case of lightning strike or cross with electrical power. Personnel and equipment can be protected from the hazards of unexpected contact with a foreign source of electrical potential by the following methods insulating telecommunications apparatus, shielding communications cables, grounding equipment, opening affected circuits and separating electrical and telecommunications circuits.
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